Your tax refund journey begins with us here!

By agreeing the letter of engagement, you will be officially engaged with Crystal Tax for your tax refunds journey.

Letter of Engagement

Period of engagement

This engagement will start on

The terms set out in this letter shall take effect immediately upon your countersigning this letter and returning it to us. Where we receive written instruction to start work before receiving a signed copy of this letter we will treat that as acceptance of all the terms of this engagement letter, unless we hear from you to the contrary within 14 days of you giving that instruction.

Your agreement

Please confirm your agreement to:
the terms of this letter
the attached schedule(s) of services
the privacy notice and associated data protection matters
the standard terms and conditions
by signing and returning one copy of this letter.


I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated, the attached schedule of services, the privacy notice and standard terms and conditions, which fully record the agreement between us concerning your appointment to carry out the work described in those documents. I also confirm the following in relation to data protection:

  1. I have read, understand and accept the basis on which my information will be dealt with as set out in the privacy notice provided;
  2. I agree to your appointed alternate having access to my records in the event of your illness or permanent incapacity;
  3. I understand that you will communicate or transfer data with me using the following:
  • Post/hard-copy documents
  • Emails**
  • Portals – Accountancy Manager
  • Cloud-based software - Capium
  • Text Messages
  • Phone Calls - Recorded

**I accept the risks of you corresponding with me by email that is not encrypted or password protected.

I agree to you contacting me with details of other services you provide. Where relevant you may contact me by:

  • Post
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Text message
  • Automated call


I consent to my personal data being used for the work outlined within our agreed schedule of services. I understand you will not unless agreed separately with me, use my data for any other services.


for and on behalf of (company/companies listed/partnership/trust/limited liability partnership)

Company Signature - Letter of Engagement
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